Event Management:

Event Management is used to create events with dates and times set in the attendees' calendars. Also, the attendees can be selected while creating the event. Automatic notification pushed for reminders of the event.


Class Management:

Class Management operation of a school depends heavily on its structure. Here are the benefits of these features

  • Enables Class Performance Analytics
    • Admin can have a view of daily class activities like teachings and homework.
    • Admin can view its attendance of class and its teachers
    • Examination performance and analysis of each exam
  • Helps Admins Configure Classroom
    • The admins can assign a class supervisor and co- class supervisor to a class
    • Admin can check the total number of students and assign new students based on available slots in the class.

Syllabus Management:

Here Subject heads or academic heads can create the syllabus of each subject for each grade at the start of the session. Approval must be taken from the principal end. After that, teachers, parents, and students can access the syllabus of their subject anytime.

  • Based on the Syllabus, teachers can create and submit the lesson plan for their subjects after approval from the subject head.
  • In lesson plans, textbooks and other reading material can be provided for students.

Time Table Management:

These features will help the schools to manage their timetable. Admins can find teachers with free slots for a particular class and subject so that they can be assigned to that particular slot, and there can be no redundancy in the process. Also, this feature helps in substitution management as the admin can easily find the perfect replacement for the slots of the absent teacher. Also, in one slot, any number of optional subjects can be handled as students can choose from different optional subjects as applicable.

Library Management:

The library management system would assist the admins in keeping a digital record of all the course materials rather than manually keeping track of all the reports, books, papers, etc. Using bulk Book Upload, schools can quickly add the books to the records.

  • Manage Library Daily functions
  • Issue Book
  • Return Book
  • Book Searching
  • Fine Management

Examination management:

Examination management is one of the most hectic processes in the school. But by using this module admin can make this process hassle-free. It becomes effortless for the admin to conduct an exam.

  • The exam planner makes it simpler and more effective for school administrators to schedule exams for the entire school (or privileged classes).
  • Manage the seating plan and date-sheet easily.
  • Select a question paper easily for any exam or subject.
  • Release result and its view analytics.

Fee Management:

Fee Management will help the admin manage the fee structures of different grades and fee types easily. Also, other benefits are mentioned below:

  • Easy and simplified fee setup.
  • Support offline and online payments.
  • Timely reminder on the parent app for a fee.
  • Customized messages on the parent app if needed.
  • Easy access to fee status of students, fee reports.

Transport Management:

Transport Managementwill help the admin easily track school vehicles and provide great ease in maintaining the routes.

  • Easy route management
  • Vehicle management
  • Student Attendance while boarding and deboarding the bus
  • Alerts parents in case of delays

Visitor Management:

Using RigAlma's visitor management module, schools can have a detailed report of the visitors. Gatekeepers will have the app to maintain the visitor list instead of registering. That will provide data on the go. It will also increase security as this app will also capture the image of visitors.


Hostel Management:

Manual record-keeping requires a lot of time and effort. Moreover, administrative staff members need help to preserve registers and log books year after year. Data loss and theft are possibilities. For better management of the hostel, assign or remove wardens. Make sure the operation is transparent and clear.

  • Automation of assigning the students in the hostel room.
  • Get the free available slots as per the requirement on the go.

Admission Management:

Admission Management helps the admin to manage the status of every lead of the students and keep track of the application. Manage the status of the lead for easy categorization and processing. Also, the analytics dashboard of the leads will help plan future admission. Create and customize an admission portal accessible on the web and mobile. Parents can also track the application status easily. Admins can collect relevant documents from students with admission management software. Students can upload their information on the portal.


Expense Management

Expense Management helps the institution to keep a record of all the transactions that can be further used for reference and auditing. Also, they can keep track of and verify all the trivial expenses. This module will help the admin to categorize and further subcategorize the nature of expenses easily. So in the future, they can optimize the expenses with the help of spending analysis. The report from this module will help the institute analyze its expenses.

Message Centers

  • Admins can directly communicate with parents through the message center. They can message the parents individually. Administrators can choose one or more people or a group to whom the communications should be addressed using a bulk notification center to send the notice with different headings and Types.
  • This module's ability to allow admins to transmit precise information in real time dramatically reduces the likelihood of miscommunication and misinformation.
  • Subject Teacher and parent can also communicate with each other through the message portal if they need to interact.
  • Admins can also send messages to the employee directly, ensuring a smooth information flow. As they are connected, it helps in better decision-making at higher levels.

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